For the BriXpo in Uster I brought my Avatar builds. As I had a family visit, I couldn‘t really participate at the exhibition, I more or less drop by sets, left and returned for disassembling. And both of the activities as well rather short. I spent a bit of Saturday around noon at the exhibition and can tell, it was a major success, long lines, well over 5000 people and very nice models.

What was interesting was that for the first time I saw another Avatar MOC. This was a larger one, in that sense more impressive but I at least was the only waterworld! Both approaches were nice, mine certainly smaller and more compact, the other larger but also with less „action“, a stronger focus on the landscape and the Tree.

The best idea about BriXpo you canget from the Swisslug Gallery, it shows all the different models and impressions from the exhibition

A big shout out to Michi, he demonstrated a very nice treatment of his exhibitors, being it before, during (e.g. free food from the restaurant) and afterwards with a nice gift and nice printed book with photos from the exhibition. Definitely raising the standard for other exihibitions.